Thursday, June 24, 2010

Choco Secrets

For centuries, the world has had a sweet love affair with this most delectable of foods. Why does this sweet confection have so many admirers?

Chocolate is a psychoactive food. It is made from the seeds of the tropical cacao tree, Theobroma cacao.

The cacao tree was named by the 17th century Swedish naturalist, Linnaeus. The Greek term Theobroma means literally "food of the gods".
(Because of spelling error, probably by traders long ago, these beans became known as cocoa beans.)

The word "chocolate" comes from a combination of the terms choco ("foam") and atl ("water") early chocolate was only consumed in beverage form.

Chocolate was mostly considered a beverage for centuries, and drinking chocolate was considered a very fashionable social event.

Raw unprocessed chocolate is gritty, grainy and really not suitable for eating.
Swiss chocolate manufacturer Rudolph Lindt discovered a process of rolling and kneading chocolate that gives it the smoother and richer quality that eating chocolate is known for today.

The name 'conching' comes from the shell-like shape of the rollers used. The longer chocolate and any ingredients added like milk, vanilla, extra cocoa butter is conched, the more luxurious it will feel on our tongue.

One study of the human electroencephalographic (EEG) response to chocolate suggests that the odour of chocolate significantly reduces theta activity in the brain. Reduced theta activity is associated with enhanced relaxation.

Several substances found in chocolates are linked with mood enhancing brain chemicals...

Theobromine - stimulates the heart muscle that causes elevating effects.
Tryptophan - promotes feeling of well being helps in the production of the mood-modulating neurotransmitter serotonin
Caffenine - Stimualnt that acts on central nervous system
Phenylethylamine – (Love Chemical) associated with feelings of attraction & excitement, reputed to be a mood elevator and an anti-depressant.
Endorphins - probably contribute to the warm inner glow induced in susceptible chocoholics.
This sensation explains why chocolate gifts are a great way to bring joy to a loved one.

The combination of these substances, giving a extra energy, making ones heart beat faster, making a bit jumpy and slightly giddy....well, one can see how chocolate could be linked to love.
(However remember that these substances show up only in small quantities in chocolate.)

While chocolate is also being praised for having lots of healthy antioxidants that help fight disease!

Moral of the Story is: I keep enjoying my fav Fruit & Nut & Choco Truffle and U too ENJOY! ;)

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